Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Anticipation Can Kill Ya

As it turns out I may not be doing much van-building for a while. The more I look at what will need to be done in the immediate future is simply not much. Eventually, I will want to make changes. But for now, all I really need to do is make a small storage box to place at the back end of my bed. I will place a piece of foam on that end to make that bed long enough for me to be comfortable. But, even that may not happen for until colder weather.

My first purchases will be a cot and a sleeping bag, a generator and a rack to carry it on, a microwave to cook on, and a dorm refrigerator. That will do for weekend warrior boon-docking.

I have to admit I feel like a horse. I am chomping at my bit with anticipation wanting to just take off for parts unknown. But, I am trying to convince myself to stay here to help my sister get some things sold and make a move if she needs to do that. But, my day is coming, finally.

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