Monday, January 29, 2024

Karma Slapped Me

Keith -your host 


I went to bed just after 10PM last night. Four hours later my past finally caught up with me and bitch-slapped me awake. Now I know that there is nobody but me to blame for my life of struggles with depression that drove me to alcoholism. For now, I have just a little relief that I know what my problem is and always has been. Maybe in the future, I can find a way to make amends for all of the wrongs I have done. I do know that God has always walked with me, and often carried me when I went too far in the  wrong direction in my life. I want to thank God for being there.


Van Life, it’s a calling. I spend a lot of time watching YouTube van life videos, and on Facebook groups about living in an RV, camper trailer, van, or car. I spent close to 50 % of 2021 and 2023 on the road and living in my van. Yeah, I like the idea of living on less with less. I’m sort of a survivalist. But, I am also a spoiled American that likes the comforts of home.

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